Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Emerson said it

Trust thyself: every heart vibrates to that iron string. This can illustrate to us a guitar, it continues on even when you're not sure it will just to trust yourself then you can be happy with everything you do

Nothing can bring you peace but yourself. Nothing can bring you peace but the triumph of principles. What this means to me is that everybody has there own meaning of peace.

What I must do, is all that concerns me not what people think. This means to me that who cares what people judge you on, you are unique person with a great mind that shouldn't be told negative things that can bring you down.

What we stand for. This means to me that our actions are aligned with our beliefs.

Envy is ignorance, Imitation is Suicide. This means to me that
he is saying that you have to be yourself, people have to obey their own consciences rather than listening to what society tells them to do. He is saying that it is dumb to want to be like other people He is saying that trying to imitate other people is like killing yourself. 

A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds. This means to me Too much consistency, which you usually find in people who are not creative thinkers and choose to stick to what is known and constantly done, cuts off the flow of progress through fresh ideas and differing viewpoints

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